case studies

Case study 1

CLIENT: Department of Education Queensland

Occupational violence and aggression prevention and incident and response


  • Prevention strategy guide

  • Prevention campaign

  • Incident response guide

  • Incident response pocket guide

  • Intranet page design

  • Social media graphics

  • Email signature banner

  • Foyer screen animation

  • Screensaver

My role

Using existing branding and corporate style guidelines, I developed a suite of campaign materials in both print an digital formats across a range of channels.

The campaign design requirements included infographics, screensavers and posters to name a few.

Poster design for career fair

Foyer video (motion graphics)

I produced a range of images for various social media channels including LinkedIn.

Email signature banner

I designed the Incident support and response guide as part of the suite of materials addressing occupational violence and aggression.

Case study 2

CLIENT: Department of Education Queensland

Disability action week campaign

I designed a range of materials for Disability action week to advocate and support workplace diversity and inclusion. This included designing campaign materials and infographics. I also facilitated and presented a lunchbox session focusing on information and design, to give staff a practical understanding of how they can make their own documents more inclusive.


  • Posters

  • Workshop - developing and presenting a lunchbox session to approximately 30 staff

  • Converting existing guide for print and digital download to fully accessible

Informative posters launched during Disability Action Week

I converted an existing guide to meet accessibility requirements.

Slide deck for Inclusive Design lunchbox session which I presented and facilitated.

Watch my showreel

Here is some more work which included motion graphics, campaign design and magazine design and art direction.


Factsheet template

Photography art direction for MAKE Magazine (TAFE Queensland)